Friday, April 3, 2009

Never Under estimate

Once again I was messing around with the wild woman (my wife) and of course being an instructor and having spent most of my life training in martial arts I was sure I had nothing to worry about--except my lovely wife also comes from a kung fu back ground! No sooner had I thrown a strike at her when she fainted up and kicked me down--simple-yes wonderfully executed--yes She did not even have to think--she just avoided my strike; feinted, and kicked me and then followed up with a nice strike. Point today is never feel over confident by under estimating your opponent. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. Sparring should always be a learning and cooperative exprience for both involved.
Train with true heart!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Back To Work

ok spring is here and in the air. Time to shake that lethargic, winter haze from the mind and body and get back into the training routine; not that I haven't been training, just not as hard as normal. The #1 training rule: committment: setting a reasonable and comfortable training schedule and just doing it--no excuses!! I say reasonable and comfortable meaning that it has to fit and be realistic, if not then likely I will not follow through or give it my all. That is not to say that the training should present somewhat of a challenge otherwise what would be the point of training. Not to kill ourselves but to push and challenge ourselves; improve and refine so that when winter hits again we can look back throught the year and see how far we have come. Train for real!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

When your down

Ok got hit with the "bug" from hell. Talk about taking out somebody!!! As i am laying dying from this flu - i am wondering what I can do to continue training while i feel like not training. Here is where I think many schools fail--that is, what to do to train the mind. Bed ridden I find that if I can go through my workout in my mind, visualizing each technique or set or form it helps to keep those neorons firing in my brain as well as helps to hardwire them into my body. I visualize attackers coming in at me from all sides with all types of techniques and weapons--I work through each scenario as if it were happening that very moment--seeing myself defeating and disabling my attackers. I try as best as possible feeling like crap, to feel and be healthy, active, and un-beatable. Sure it sounds silly, but training the mind is as important as the techniques--seeing and feeling yourself as the winner and best is critical to any martial arts or self defense regimen. "As a man thinks, so is he........" After these mental excercises, I will usually read some martial artts literature or technique or view a vid of some training and then again visualize my knowing, understanding, and using the technique properly against a variety of situations and encounters. As I recover from the flu I am anxious to now work the techniques I have been visualizing into my physical training routine. As always we trian for real.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Strange Feeling

Well I have been teaching and training at the local community college this last fall and during my time there have become aquinted with several of the police officers that patrol the campus. Well this particular evening I was talking to an officer and we were discussng real life techniques. He was telling me a few in the field stories d a particular choke and situation and then said to me, " What would you have done?" Huh- Here show me!--Well my eyes looked at his fire arm, then to his badge, then to his eyes--he was testing me --so I did what few really ever get to do--I put my hands around his throat and choked him!!!! I was freakin out but he demonstrated his technique of escape and I then demonstrated mine. His reply was " yeah that's the way I personally would have done it" Hey kids don't try this at home!!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Miyomoto would be embarassed for me!!

Out walking with my wife in a nature type area. My wife is a tiny Vietnamese fireball. She has a Kung Fu background like myself so we have a great time. In fact she is probably one of the best sparring partners i have ever had. She is tiny and very unpredictable in her attacks--somehow she just has this "instinct" and determination. So we are walking and talking; I see a few nice sticks about 31/2 feet long-nice "sword fighting" sticks. I hand her one and i take the other and as i do i give her the "En Guard" stance and a smile. Now honestly how many of us really actually do any real sword fighting? Sure i have Sword forms and techniques i practice all the time, but combat--probably most of us have not done sword combat. Well my wife suddenly fiercely and i mean freakin fierce starts hacking and driving me back like Miyomoto on starbucks. It was all i could do to not get whipped by the branch as she relentlessly came at me and drove me back--ok whats the lesson/ I do not know other than beware of tiny Asian woman with sticks and stones!!!! and maybe don't play with swords!! Always training for real!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Here we go again

ok i am doing dishes last night and the boy creeps up behind and tries a rear naked choke on me--i without missing a stroke with the sponge, tuck my chin, grab his thumb and bite- i scrape his shin and push him into the wall ( my poor son has been training with me or i should say i train on him since infancy) he gets pissed tries to stike me, i grab his thumb and twist it back with his wrist and he says, " if your going to practice like that, i am not going to spar with you anymore!!! ( i know he will) again put yourself in a real situation. What would you do to survive and get away if someone gets the drop on you? i do this not to hurt my son or training partner--i actually do it to teach him the truth about martial arts and self defense. ok so maybe i walk the line, maybe not. We train for real. What is the point if i don't?

Monday, March 31, 2008

Am I ruined?

OK not a great night for training due to the intense migraine. Just then the son comes home--he had seen a recent movie involving MMA fighting so he is all jacked to spar with Dad. So he tries to drop me by going for my legs-i grab his arm; twist; lock; bar and to the ground. He says Do you Know any arm bars? I just put you down with one--he say's that wasn't a bar? ok i grab his arm , do a sort of figure 4 lock and drop him. his response? why do you have to be so rough all the time--you have no control!!! OK I always felt i have great control-the problem my son always complains about is that i do not always distinguish practicing and the real thing. My favorite martial arts book (my Bible of martial arts) is "a book of five rings--miyamoto mushashi talks about when training your attitude should not distinguish between practice and real life(i am not saying not to work with your training partner) but i train with that type of attitude. sorry son!! So am i ruined? meaning unable to control myself- maybe --i suppose it depends on why we train in the first place--i want to survive an attack--not so concerned anymore with tournament or sport--when the Sh*t hits the fan in real life i want survive-not practice. Do you think your attacker wants to work out a few moves or practice? We train for real!!!